Lia Leottau 2023
Lia has always been creative. At first, she was dedicated to the art of makeup, until one day she offered to create an exhibition of balloons. It was fortunate, since that first exhibition gave birth to a passion for the art of balloons that has made it a world leader in the industry.
As her passion and vision grew, Lia transformed into a true artist. She loves working with colors and adding accessories to create amazing and creative artworks. Her sculptures are always a little different, fun and innovative in all their beautiful details.
Lia owns the Balloons by Lia Leottau store and is an enthusiastic businesswoman who has captivated the entire world with her talent. She also makes time to listen to music, dance and go out with friends. The energy and joy she experience in the dancefloor is reflected in the grace and form of her sculptures, which are truly the ultimate of balloon art.